"Can He Breathe First?" Or "The Saltless Margarita,”

a short #tbt play set on a Monday, when all the F's to give were fresh out, because it was 2 for 1 until 9pm.

Scene: No. 9, a bar in the Logan Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. A customer is going up to the bar for his second round of drinks.

Bartender: You had a margarita, right? I'll start making that for you. Did you want salt?

Customer: (Begins having a coughing fit.)

Bartender: (Turning back to the customer after making his drink.) I'm sorry...did you say you wanted salt, or...

Customer: (Still coughing)

Bartender: I guess that's a no then.

(Lights dim as the bartender leaves the customer's drink at the bar, and walks away.)


"All This for a Rental?" or "But You're in Chicago," 


"A Dubious Pep Talk," or "You're Not Even Ugly,"