"For Next Time," or "The Belligerent Way and the Right Way,”

a short play set on a Thursday when all the F's to give couldn't make up its mind, just like the recent weather.

Scene: 4 train, Brooklyn Bound. A couple is discussing their recent...altercation with customer service.

Woman: (Turning to her partner) See, the thing is this. If you're wrong, and come at me sideways, I'll come at you both ways.

I'll cuss you out, tell you about yourself…then I'll get a comment card, fill out a smooth 2 or 3 paragraphs, and send it to corporate.

So you've got the belligerent way and the right way. And you'll be the one at home without a job crying with your feelings hurt...(lights dim)...because my burger was wrong.

The end.


"No Shade from the Supermoon," or "You're Cute in Other Ways,"


"The Parable of Claudia," or "Actually, it's Italian,"